[Cracked] Modern America, Explained With Charts

From Cracked: All PostsModern America, Explained With Charts:

Modern America, Explained With Charts By CRACKED Readers Published: June 02nd, 2017 – America's a really complicated place to understand -which makes sense when you consider how big a cultural melting pot this country is. And, despite what some people would have you believe, that's not a bad thing at all. It just makes things a little confusing to decipher. Fortunately, charts are great for clearing things up. Here's a bunch that explain America.

[Cracked] 5 Series Defining Plot Points That The Films Need To Drop

From Cracked: All Posts5 Series Defining Plot Points That The Films Need To Drop:

5 Series Defining Plot Points That The Films Need To DropBy Daniel Dockery Published: June 06th, 2017 – When something becomes ridiculously popular, it’s nearly impossible to separate it from some of its most notable aspects. It’s hard to imagine a Lord Of The Rings without the Hobbits. It’s difficult to envision a McDonald’s that doesn’t sell Big Macs. And tequila simply isn’t tequila unless it’s followed by punching your friend for almost no reason. But in the case of a few pop culture franchises, the inability to split from some seemingly important building blocks is what’s keeping them from evolving. And when you look closer, you begin to realize that, like that sixth tequila shot, you don’t really need these things at all in order to create an entertaining experience…

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