Indecision ’04 – May the lesser evil win!

Erika: “Daddy said we’re only voting for people with a “K” in their names. ‘Kerry’, ‘Kelly’….”
Ashley: “What does the ‘W’ stand for, daddy.”
Me: “Uhhhh… ‘Walcer’, with a ‘C’… shut up!” 😉

I was on line for a good 2 1/2 hours to vote.

I took my 11 year old, Erika in the booth with me. (Big Kelly Lewis fan, doncha know…).

You know what… I did my duty. I’m done.
I am so “Electioned out“, it ain’t funny.
Continue reading “Indecision ’04 – May the lesser evil win!”

Have you seen my friend, Sam Hain?

Wow… October passing and nothing horrible happened to my family for the second year in a row. Friggin’ A!

If you don’t see anything different with this page… then I did my job! I made the switch FROM MT to WordPress last night…


It must be permanent, as I have put up every single post I’ve ever made since April 1998. Ironically, my very first post was titled “WHUZZUP!” (In case you’re ever on Jeopardy and that’s the question.)

Continue reading “Have you seen my friend, Sam Hain?”

Help Wanted: Posters on a message board

Can you guys do me a favor? (I’m spreading the word on this everywhere)

I just put the finishing touches on my job’s political/election model, and I got higher-ups watching me to see how well I do.

It’s quite the programming masterpiece, if I do say so myself. Pure MySQL, database driven, has info on each of our voting districts, right up to Presidential candidate profiles.

Continue reading “Help Wanted: Posters on a message board”

Wanted: Comic Book writers

I know, I know… the artists get all the glory. In fact, my dream as a kid was to be an artist for Marvel Comics.

Then I found out how much money they made, and I had to find a new dream. Fast.

I’ll just borrow this straight FROM the Animotions Newsletter:

Got comics in your blood? You could be making money doing them!
Do you have a great story that needs illustrating? Are you a super 2D or 3D artist in search of a good story to illustrate? Or are you just waiting for a venue to sell your own comic in?

There’s a market out there for good stories. Get the details here.

So if anyone’s interested in writing for indy comics, there’s a whole discussion on at Animotions . It’s a 3-d community (like Renderosity) dedicated to comics, superheroes, anime, fantasy, etc.

Membership required (free, of course).

A friendly tip about Movable Type

(Well, besides “Dump it and go with WordPress”. You already know that.)

Basically watch out for dashes when you import/export posts. The text file you import is separated by 5-8 dashes in its features, so if you have some yutz who writes:

“Here are my thoughts:
blah, blah, blah blah”

It is going to screw you up if you ever import that post back INTO MT at a later date.

Elsewhere on my site, I am recreating my entire Whuzzup archives (going all the way back to 1998), and I am triple-checking all my “import.txt” files. What a bitch.

Then I’m switching to WordPress. I was successful with SoApBoX, and I really like HAVING my stuff on a MySQL database. (I hate CGI).

More news coming up for comic book fans next…. STAY TUNED!

What the hell was that???

I’ve been slaving away on a work related project (at home, as usual… I don’t think the kids would even know who I am, unless I showed them the back of my head.)

It’s for the election, so I needed to scour my sources for clip art like a flag, eagles & stuff.

Have you ever seen a bald eagle up close?
Oh. my. fucking. gawd. They’re all over the Poconos… and they’re HUGE!

It reminded me of a few weeks ago while heading in to Stroudsburg. I thought some kid was screwing with us with one of those big toy planes…

Hell no. It was an eagle with, I could swear, a six or seven foot wing span. And he was carrying his breakfast in his talons (I think it was a buffalo), and he’s swooping in to try and DROP it in front of our car as we’re on I-80.

I guess he wanted his food flattened or grilled or something.
Holy crap. Bad enough the deer are trying to kill us.

An idea so dumb it HAS to work

I just had another one of my hairbrained schemes come INTO mind.

A Cyber Chinese Auction.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with the concept. (In the Poconos they’re called a “Tricky Tray”) part raffle/part auction. You buy a certain number of raffle tickets. There’s a wide variety of items up for bid. You bid on items by putting as many raffle tickets on items as you want, and the winner is drawn (so, theoretically, the more tickets on an item, the better your chances of winning.)

So here’s what I’m thinking:

  • Running a Chinese Auction online for REAL prizes
  • Sign up for an account and get five “virtual” tickets to start
  • Buy additional tickets with PayPal
  • We all pitch in items or services to be raffled (I can throw in my “Lotsa Fonts!” CD, Carole’s Chocolate Houses go over REALLY big in Auctions for our kid’s schools. You can also offer a site redesign… stuff like that)
  • We choose different charities for each event
  • Lots of publicity for people donating

What do you think? What would you like to see in something like this? How do you see it working?

Catching up

There’s a lot going on in my professional life right now. This is evidenced in my lack of activity here and on my friend’s sites. Politics is fun and all, but I’m only interested in it with the aspect of ridiculing it. My mind is made up, your mind is made up… and the only purpose we’re serving right now is to drive anyone FROM our sites in the years to come by trying to play “online pundit”. I am looking beyond November 2nd at this point… and hope many of you will be sticking around.

I have an art director’s position waiting for me in the near future. I just gotta hang in there, and continue being the “nobody” I am now. I have the blessings of my family to resign any time I’d like, but there are some exciting things going on, whether my contributions are recognized or not:

In the present I have the opportunity to work with top notch professionals that gave ABC News its presence on the web. The time for newspapers to acknowledge reality and embrace the future has come, and I want to be a part of that transition team. I also have the frustration of people with a small-town/RIAA-like mentality to struggle with on a daily basis. It’s taking a lot of my time… I have data, surveys and reports eating my brain.

Fortunately I am POWERED by negativity.

Enough about me… here’s what’s going on with my friends on the web:

  • The 3rd Annual Boobiethon is in its final 24 hours. As usual, a smashing success. Congratulations to its organizers for all their hard work, and a nod of recognition to all of the bloggers who have contributed pics to a wonderful cause and making a difference!
  • Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Zeldman on the arrival of their beautiful baby daughter on 9/28!
  • Octobuary is not only Breast Cancer awareness month (see “Boobiethon” above), but it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Say hello to my dear friend, Lois Heckman and Women’s Resources of Monroe County – Real men don’t abuse those they’ve vowed to love, honor, cherish and protect. Even if you don’t live in the Poconos, I would urge you to seek them out if you have been a victim of abuse, and definitely support them.
  • Witchy guest spots here in SoApBoX and describes the surrealistic experience of her department being laid off in My only friend.. The End.Not only is she a valued friend and contributes here, but is also working with the equally lovely and fellow Texan Deb Smouse, and will be adding some good stuff to All Things Girl soon… and WILL have a website of her own soon, I swear.
  • Gina writes about “Hardcore Activists” who say taking an ACD (Arraignment Considering Dismissal) for the protests during the RNC Convention makes you a “sellout”. Gina disagrees, and so do I. I no longer support a Child Protection Reform GROUP for that very same reason (though my view on CP$ remains the same.).It’s one thing to stand up for what you believe in. It’s commendable.
    It’s another to become a martyr when you don’t have to. It’s senseless and stupid. 

    Radicals are in every movement. And they destroy that movement faster than the people you’re advocating against. They also kill the credibility of your cause. (See PETA and Greenpeace for a few examples. While there are some decent and relatively sane people involved, their reputations have all been tarnished and overshadowed by the actions of their extremist element.)

  • Gina also links to pictures FROM inside Pier 57 at The Memory Hole.

More as I think of them…

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Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
