Because I can’t afford Zeldman’s consultation fee

Warning: If you recently had a loved one croak on you… you need to SERIOUSLY skip this thread.

While the Mrs. is reading and goofing on the local paper (you know, the one I work for???)… I hear her and her yenta friends howling like banshees downstairs over an ad:

Visit our online obituaries.”Share memories???? What the hell is THAT supposed to mean??!!??!
Continue reading “Because I can’t afford Zeldman’s consultation fee”

Blogger Lovefest Day

I got the news straight FROM Solonor (whom I go to for all the latest Princess™ news & gossip.), and it was confirmed by Zuly too!

Love thy neighborJanuary 14, 2003 – has been declared Bloggin’ Lovefest Day – A day we set aside all our hostility, all our anger, all our raggy-ness, and pick just ONE blogger whom we absolutely love and talk about them. I like that. I am all for love every once in a while. As long as you people don’t get too carried away.

Get yer buttons here

A few buttons I whipped up today for E.C.B.
More are coming. Submissions are DEFINITELY welcome.

Hey, if you can’t make it… that’s cool. But can you put a button on your site to spread the word and SHOW support? Thanx!!!!

(Right click, save upload to your own server and link to Don’t make me hunt you down, ok?)

Now, with everyone’s permission… I’d like to pop the Powerpuff Girls Movie in the VCR and go to sleep at a decent hour.

What, you got a problem with the Powerpuff Girls too?????

Suggested Bloggie Nominees

I tried this last year with the Z-List. The problem isn’t with the Bloggies… it’s with the bloggers. They’re too fucking narcississtic, and they nominate themselves, a handful of friends, and then the usual suspects. (Yes, I normally get physically ill like this when I ponder the “how does this relate to ME” nature of bloggers. FUCK ‘EM ALL!)
Continue reading “Suggested Bloggie Nominees”

How Deep is your love

Maurice Gibb 1949 - 2003“I believe in you…
You know the door to my very soul…
You’re the light in my deepest, darkest hour…
You’re my Saviour when I fall…

And you may not think I care for you…
When you know down inside that really do…
And it’s me you need to show….

How deep is your love…
I really need to learn…
’cause we’re living in a world of fools …
Breaking us down …
When they all should let us be …
We belong to you and me… ”
© 1977 Barry, Robin, & Maurice Gibb

Rorshach anyone?

They got all this FROM me looking at pictures of scary-ass demons, guys being tortured by female gang members, and women being raped at gunpoint????

E-Mode Ink Blot Test… (via Robyn)

E***, your unconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity

This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life – things that others are too afraid to consider.

Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It’s only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself or the world – which ultimately is the greatest way for you to feel satisfied.

(Like…”Why are some of you people so fucked up???” You mean I’m the only one who’s asked you?)

It is possible that the underlying reason for your drive towards curiosity is a deeply rooted fear of boredom. That means that you are probably more susceptible than others to feel like you’re falling INTO a rut when life slows down INTO a comfortable routine.

(WHO…ME???? “Fear of boredom????” pshaw!)

[I spared you the rest of this inside…]
Continue reading “Rorshach anyone?”

Wet yo’ pants, candyass!

Can we talk?

Wow! It seems the Trolls had a field day this week. Nico took down pictures, Michele scrapped her 2002 Most intriguing Bloggers project. wKen had to remove comments off his photo site, and Solonor has been taking shit FROM the Muther Farkers resonsible for it. And, in Wil Whatizname’s defense… spoke out against what happened to wKen.

(Speaking of which, I see my homegurl took Wil outside for a private spanking, yesterday. YOU GO GIRL!)

Well, isn’t that ALL a fine, howdy do?
As Michele once said: “How come the people with the biggest opinions and loudest mouths are always anonymous?”
Continue reading “Wet yo’ pants, candyass!”

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Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
