See? It’s time for all the awards to start rolling in.
The Queen of PSYCHOdrama has bestowed upon me the coveted
“2002 Pea Brain Of The Year award“!
Hee hee…
Nothing like starting shit with me to bring the traffic back, right, Lee?
Supposedly, my little remark about adding Kare and her relentless harassment to my 2002 roundup has caused her to run like hell because I’m about to tell everyone the WHOLE STORY retire.
Oh, not to worry… I’m sure this will drag Lee’s loyal yipping attack dog out of retirement. So much for putting the past behind you, right?
Ah, sweet hypocrisy… gotta love it.
Do you folks still have my boss’ phone number?
*Looks at watch, waiting for Shelagh and Astone to jump in.*
Gonna be the same routine folks… a small hand full of clowns jumping up & down, trying to clutter her comments to look like an angry mob, flinging baseless accusations, and crying for attention and hits….
Lee does this every time she comes back. Attacks someone popular, then tries to look like the victim.
Maybe this time, when I see my personal stuff (when I *thought* I was confiding in friends?) being slapped up for everyone to see, I’ll return the favor. To ALL of them. On the same gutless level they do it.