You love me!!! You really love me!!!

See? It’s time for all the awards to start rolling in.
The Queen of PSYCHOdrama has bestowed upon me the coveted
2002 Pea Brain Of The Year award“!

Hee hee…
Nothing like starting shit with me to bring the traffic back, right, Lee?

Supposedly, my little remark about adding Kare and her relentless harassment to my 2002 roundup has caused her to run like hell because I’m about to tell everyone the WHOLE STORY retire.

Oh, not to worry… I’m sure this will drag Lee’s loyal yipping attack dog out of retirement. So much for putting the past behind you, right?

Ah, sweet hypocrisy… gotta love it.
Do you folks still have my boss’ phone number?

*Looks at watch, waiting for Shelagh and Astone to jump in.*

Gonna be the same routine folks… a small hand full of clowns jumping up & down, trying to clutter her comments to look like an angry mob, flinging baseless accusations, and crying for attention and hits….
Lee does this every time she comes back. Attacks someone popular, then tries to look like the victim.

Maybe this time, when I see my personal stuff (when I *thought* I was confiding in friends?) being slapped up for everyone to see, I’ll return the favor. To ALL of them. On the same gutless level they do it.

2002: The good, the bad, the trolls

First of all, “The pierced one” (Kat) would like to spread the word that “My Single Mom Life” has moved. Make a note.

If you use blogroll you can make changes by clicking this link.
(*Nifty little script I swiped FROM Deb. SMOOCH!*)

Anyway, I was inspired by after a quick emergency trip to work, and saw Dave Barry’s The Year In Review…

So aside FROM my end-of-the-year post, I was thinking about a collaborative effort, and make a .PDF document out of it? What do you think?

    So far I’m covering: (And collaborations are MORE than welcome)

  • The Year of Hormonal Bitch and Raising Hell.
  • Unholy Alliances.
  • Hoopty: Rise and Fall of the president of the interneck.
  • BlogCon 2002.
  • Davezilla -vs- MegaConglomerate
  • America, You will be rounded up and shot
  • Boobies, Blog-a-thons, and other great causes
  • Inside L.A. County Jail
  • Wil Wheaton (insert gagging sounds here)
  • Z-List: a moment of silence for an awesome concept
  • Zeldman Orange™ no more
  • Chris Powers: The Spy who stalked me
  • Blogger Snowball Fight

Collaborations are not only welcome…. but sorely needed! I’ll be scouring blogs for end of the Year posts, for more things I’m sure I missed (I’m not omnipotent anymore folks.). Just email me at my top-secret email or use my Yahoo address in the buttons on the top right.

* Oh… and any harrassing emails telling me NOT to write something (or else), will result in that entry BOLDED AND DOUBLE SIZED.

I already have a surprise sponsor, whose site is launching in early January…. more sponsors are welcome (details to follow).

Whaddya think?
anybody wanna be nice and help? I have taken the liberty of HIJACKING the Flame Emporium and started a new discussion thread about it.
(You need to sign up and join. We don’t just let *anyone* in ya know.)

***Edited to Add: ****
Michele is also compiling a list for Required Reading of 2002, and the Ten Most Intriguing Bloggers of 2002. I will of course ask her permission to add this in the project. And take it, regardless of her answer.

Everyone needs to get off my case for my picks… I was only allowed 10, okay? I love you all…. now back off!

e, the problem child

I blame my mother, of course. She never beat me.

I won't let you love me... and you know DAMN WELL you can't HATE me. NYAH!In fact, I can think of maybe two times in my life where I got a whap in the back of my head when I got completely stupid and out of control. Other than that no one cared enough to beat me to a pulp and teach me some manners.

Well, except when I was 16. This kid I bullied when we were little, came back all muscle bound, and shit.

“Hey, remember me?”
“Uh oh.”


New Years dilemma!

What do I do… what do I do…
Nico got me thinking again. Y’know… it’s that time to think back and reflect.

I want to do a lot of things for a year end post…
Of course, there’s too many things I’m not allowed to talk about at this time. Not sure that I want to anyway.

I want to thank all my online friends… the ones I’ve known for a long time, and some of the cool new friends I’ve made along the way this year.

I also want to tell my enemies and hataz to go fuck themselves for the final time. Why? Because I want to let it go. As insignificant as they are now… in 2003, they will no longer exist as far as I’m concerned.

But then again, are their sorry asses even WORTH another mention?

So here’s my question…

Do I go out on a high note, or in a blaze of flaming glory?
The bigger person?
Or the catty& petty S.O.B.?

Kiss her fishnets!

“…I don’t know you, you don’t know me, so why don’t you just scurry away and go play hide and go fuck yourself?”

Hee hee! Why can’t I come up with clever quips like that?

Angel has a new survey up… I like her surveys because they make me think. None of that “What’s your favorite color” bullshit. Plus she takes the time out to plug a few good sites.

I thought I was on vacation… what happened?
I got witnesses. Spread the word. Everyone knows of my traumatic childhood experiences with flaming dog poo! Somebody crush her for me, ok?

(Finally. After all these years, I’m a “victim” of something! Just like the rest of you whiny-ass emotional cripples! WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!)

High ate us, y’all!

*** Re-edited 8:30 PM ***
It’s time to take a break for the Holidays & be with the family.

Thank you all for being here for one wild ride… but 2003 is going to be OUR YEAR!

Extra special thanks and shout-outs to: Faith, John, Maria, Mike, Red Eagle, and Kira for being there through it all, through the fire, when the shit hit the fan, & when I needed you the most!

But all-in-all you have all touched my life and made it better. Either through your friendship, your correspondence… or just being a great source for laughs! :0)
Have a great one, gang!
Keep smilin’, kicking asses, and taking down names…


P.S. For all the non-Christmas crowd, Faith is HAVING a chat tonight.
[details here].

La Skeem Familia

Well, aaaaalrighty!
Wont the you-know-who’s be thrilled (Big-time “Skeemers” don’tyouknow)…

Ali Dee: Pimpin' for Rock-n-RollI heard back FROM Ali Dee & the Grand Skeem regarding permission to post samples to SHOW you guys they kick total ass, and they replied:

“you got it brotha………thanks for helpin’ spread the Skeem word!!!!!!

La Skeem Familia
Keep Skeemin’
Love Ali Dee, Vinni, John & Rich”

So here ya go…

On Sale in stores now!
On sale in stores NOW!
Buy it at Amazon.Com

It’s Party Time

[RealAudio] |  [MP3]


[RealAudio] |  [MP3]

Baby Got Back

[RealAudio] |  [MP3]


[RealAudio] |  [MP3]

Enjoy, and thanks in advance for the support!

Traveling Wreath for Christmas

wreathsm.gifRight-click and take this little wreath. Link back to the site you took it from. Leave a message in the comments if you use it so we can all see where it goes! Let’s celebrate the Holidays around the Web! I got mine FROM Kat.

A new blog in town: A little birdie tells me there’s a new site out there to give the Soup Lady a run for her money: How Sweet it is…

Hilarious! Nico has found a way to send a Christmas Postcard to all of us. Aw, dude… you shouldn’t have! :0) LOL!!! I love it…

Up down in and out (Girl, you know what it’s about!)

Hey, have any of you guys ever heard of The Grand Skeem?

It’s a band out of NYC, I know they have a MASSIVE following in the NY/PA/NJ area, and they get a lot of airplay here. I’m trying to figure out if they caught on in the rest of the country. The Grand Skeem

We caught them Friday night at Fernwood for a charity SHOW they put on for underpriviledged kids & a local hospice. These guys put on one hell of a show! The best comparison I can make for them would be a cross between The Beastie Boys and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Kind of a hard-rock/hip hop mix.

Anarchtica is like their second home, as they filmed their “Baby Got Back” video at Fernwood. Then premiered it before MTV showed it at the Stroud Mall.

Talented as hell, and really nice guys too… they’re gonna be big.

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EricBrooks.Com® is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
