My stats are ridiculously low… at least here on WHUZZUP. I hear that same complaint on a lot of blogs I visit too. Like people went off on summer vacation, and never came back. (Most likely it’s “Supply and Demand”. I couldn’t *possibly* visit every site I link to in one sitting. And I’m sure I’ve pissed off everyone at this point to insure I’m not a “must read” anywhere.)
Elsewhere, my stats dictate it’s painfully obvious that the people want escapism and entertainment.
You may think I’m out of my mind for saying this… but I’m relieved.
This takes the pressure off of me HAVING to write here constantly. I have way better things to do, like unroll a 2004 redesign (or three with a “skinning option”), make much-needed repairs on my fonts, free stuff, and e-cards sections… bring back the “The Guestbook FROM Hell”.
And most of all, not have to discuss politics. I hate talking politics.
It turns people off as much as my flame wars did.
2004 Predictions: If you thought blogland was ugly with the Iraq war… you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Presidential race will be the nastiest viper pit of mudslinging, and emotionally immature and ignorant turdfest imaginable, and the web will definitely be one of the frontlines.
As much as I’d love to slam back at all of the “bad asses” who are just beginning to be aware of world events, and are suddenly “experts”… I’d rather leave that to the pros.
Continue reading “What’s coming up in 1984… uhm, I mean 2004”