Dial "D" for "Durst"

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He kinda looks like "Mr. Roper" in this pic, doesn't he?
Murder defendant Robert Durst has a light moment during a break in his trial in Galveston, Texas, Monday, Sept. 22, 2003. Durst is accused of killing his neighbor Morris Black, then dismembering the body and throwing body pieces INTO Galveston Bay in September 2001. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

I’ve been getting a lot of search engine activity on “ROBERT DURST” lately. Of course it’s no small wonder as it’s front page news in NYC, PA and Texas. For the loose stragglers on the web, let me get you up to speed:

  • The Case of Robert Durst – Galveston Daily News
  • Attorneys: Durst Killed Out of Fear – Associated Press
  • All about millionaire murderer Robert Durst – Crime Library

Readers Digest version: After his wife’s disappearance, Millionaire New York Real Estate heir Robert Durst flees the unwanted media attention, posing himself as a mute elderly woman. Becomes a suspect as neighbor Morris Black’s body parts are found floating in Galveston Bay. After jumping bail, Durst is arrested for shoplifting in Pennsylvania six weeks later.

Matt Birkbeck: A deadly ecret A Deadly Secret: The strange disappearance of Kathie Durst – By Matt Birkbeck – Former Pocono Record Columnist untangles this intriguing tale for People Magazine. It takes place 20 years before Black’s murder, and I recommend the book highly for some insight to Robert Durst and what started it all… It’s also been uncovered on the site that more murders in Northern California is being investigated with ties to Durst. The plot sickens.

… and I’m not saying all this and plugging the book just because I was part of the design team who put the site together for Matt.

I’m proud to be a part of it all.

Uhm, I meant the web project, not the murders… you knew that’s what I meant, right?

EricBrooks.Com® – Where we believe ALL people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law… no matter how painfully friggin’ obvious this one is!

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