Do not adjust your monitors.
I am dressed in drag for Halloween.
I blame Faith for this… who blames Batgrl for this (who is currently dressed up as Jon Sullivan. are those two getting nauseating, or what?)
Batgrl *TRIES* to put the blame on poor innocent Nerdboy “I’m a fashion model” Mikey for this. Nice try.
Batgrl is simply a “PROBLEM ADULT”. She’s just not happy until she causes trouble somewhere.
At any rate, I am the keeper of the orange now. WORSHIP ME!!!!!
So, who is *YOUR* blog gonna be for Halloween?
this is wrong in so many ways.
hee hee… I know!!!! *SNORT*
(Wish I could say this was the first time I dressed in drag for Halloween…)
Ay! Do not desecrate the orange. And for goodness sake, do not try flaming the lefties. Leave the dirty work to me!
or, dressed in drag, period?
WOW! Now *this* is indeed surreal!
“are those two getting nauseating”
Yes, cuteness overload is a side effect of this particular disease…
“She’s simply not happy until she causes trouble somewhere”
How rude of me!
Obviously I’ve been hanging around you too long!
…Hey wait – causing trouble – that’s YOUR job, laughing boy!
You’ve been way too quiet of late.
Yeah… well, I’ve been busy doing sites.
You’re gonna have to be “Problem adult and chief troublemaker” for a while. Can ya do that for me? :0)
(Jeez. I had Faith’s look for only two hours, and everyone’s getting hostile here… I may keep this look.)
Holy shit, you’re fucked up, man. This is truly MESSED UP.
You didn’t tell me the freakin’ blogs were dressing up!! Oh Batty…………. Where is she? You’re hiding her aren’t you?? Someone is going to pay for this!! :op
Maria… I only found out about it last night when Faith made the switch. Then I had a few hours to scramble and assemble a spoof (fortunately, Faith allowed me to cheat and sent me a template).
Fortunately, I can *ALWAYS* find something to goof on Faith with.
Did you say why you wanted the template? That’s the beauty, if you don’t have to say WHY you want the template.
Urge to cause trouble….. Over powering me….. Must…… Resist…….
“She’s just not happy until she causes trouble somewhere.”
Yep. I’m so proud of my little sweetie.
That’s it???? Come on Jon!!!!
What’s Halloween without some wild madness and mayhem? Let loose… egg a database, tp somebody’s linklist… rob a liquor store with a Nixon mask.
We, uhm, all still do that stuff on Halloween, right?
“TP”?? What are we playing Diablo? haha.
BTW, I’m a copy-cat. Thanks. heh.
Well……. I was going to compile a retrospective of the flame wars you and Faith have had over the years, then include my expose about how you and Faith are really the same person, then whip up some erotic fiction involving the two of you.
Want me to pull that together? And post it anonymously in your comments?
Ooh… sounds fun! :0)
I’m so glad Batty’s getting you into the holiday spirit!
Please boys, I’m ill enough already today.
You guys are FREAKING ME OUT!!
Oooh…love the costume!