A Visual IDE for React?!? The Future of Web Development
By codeSTACKr
Published: Jan 02, 2023“
Download Codux Free at https://codux.hopp.to/codeSTACKr
Codux is a visual IDE, or graphical editor, that allows you to build and edit React components like you’re drawing on a canvas.
You’ll see and have access to the code right inside Codux, but it shouldn’t replace your existing IDE. In fact, the goal of Codux is not to replace your existing IDE, but to turbo charge your React workflow by giving you the ability to visually edit as well. As you make changes in Codux you’ll see the updates happen in real time in your existing IDE.
Codux supports any React project built using TypeScript with styling in CSS, Sass, or CSS Modules, and has full Git integration.
Another great feature is the ability to develop components in isolation. That’s generally how we build in React. We build components. But we usually can’t see each component rendered in isolation. With Codux, you can work on each component individually, see each component in various states, then bring them all together where needed.
Because this is a graphical user interface, even someone with little to no React experience can easily update and edit components visually and be confident that the updates reflected in the code will be accurate.
Just like in your browser’s dev tools, you’ll see all of the CSS styles for each element and you can edit them. This makes memorizing every CSS property name and value a thing of the past. Every property is visually available to edit. And these changes take place immediately in your code base.
To get started, you can import almost any existing React project or create a new project from scratch.
Become A VS Code SuperHero Today: https://vsCodeHero.com
Join my Discord developer community: https://discord.gg/A9CnsVzzkZ
Tools I use:
- codeSTACKr VS Code Theme: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/…
- STACKr Code Font (Exclusive to my VS Code Course – https://vsCodeHero.com)
- SuperHero Extension Pack: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/…
00:00 – Intro 02:25 – Building a YouTube Clone from scratch using Codux 02:42 – Create a new project 05:51 – Building the header component 07:23 – Building the side menu bar component 08:19 – Building the filters bar component 09:33 – Building the video card component 10:42 – Defining TypeScript props for your video card component 11:39 – Putting it all together in our App component 13:20 – Run the application locally to test 13:34 – Giving the YouTube clone a new name 13:49 – Commit our changes and publish to GitHub
Show support!
- PayPal: https://paypal.me/codeSTACKr
Watch Next:
- Playlist: Web Development For Beginners – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez4yH…
Connect With codeSTACKr:
- Website: https://www.codestackr.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/codeSTACKr
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/codeSTACKr
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/codeSTACKr
Tag: GitHub
[#Script #Coding] Python API Development – Comprehensive Course for Beginners
Python API Development – Comprehensive Course for Beginners
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Nov 01, 2021“
Learn Python API development in one of the most comprehensive courses ever on the topic. You will build a full-fledged API in Python using FastAPI. You will learn the fundamentals of API design including routes, serialization/deserialization, schema validation, and models. You will also learn about SQL, testing with pytest, and how to build out a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub actions.
Code: https://github.com/Sanjeev-Thiyagaraj…
Course from Sanjeev Thiyagarajan. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sY…
Course Contents
- 00:00 Intro
- 06:33 Project Overview
- 11:22 Mac Python Installation
- 13:15 Mac VS Code install and setup
- 16:37 Windows Python Installation
- 18:30 Windows VS Code install and setup
- 22:11 Python virtual Env Basics
- 24:35 Virtual Env on windows
- 28:56 Virtual Env on Mac
- 34:17 Install dependencies w/ pip
- 36:21 Starting FastAPI
- 39:23 Path Operations
- 53:22 Intro toman
- 57:34 HTTP Requests
- 1:07:29 Schema Validation with Pydantic
- 1:22:45 CRUD Operations
- 1:29:44 Storing in Array
- 1:34:06 Creating
- 1:38:15 Postman Collections & saving requests
- 1:39:47 Retrieve One
- 1:48:10 Path order Matters
- 1:52:46 Changing response Status Codes
- 2:01:49 Deleting
- 2:10:31 Updating
- 2:18:02 Automatic Documentation
- 2:21:34 Python packages
- 2:24:11 Database Intro
- 2:28:54 Postgres Windows Install
- 2:31:28 Postgres Mac Install
- 2:34:26 Database Schema & Tables
- 2:44:35 Managing Postgres with PgAdmin GUI
- 3:12:10 Your first SQL Query
- 3:19:43 Filter results with “where”
- 3:22:55 SQL Operators
- 3:26:38 IN
- 3:28:07 Pattern matching with LIKE
- 3:31:59 Ordering Results
- 3:36:27 LIMIT & OFFSET
- 3:39:21 Modifying Data
- 3:53:48 Setup App Database
- 3:58:21 Connecting to database w/ Python
- 4:08:00 Database CRUD
- 4:31:18 ORM intro
- 4:35:33 SQLALCHEMY setup
- 4:55:25 Adding CreatedAt Column
- 5:00:59 Get All
- 5:07:55 Create
- 5:15:50 Get by ID
- 5:19:50 Delete
- 5:22:31 Update
- 5:28:21 Pydantic vs ORM Models
- 5:32:21 Pydantic Models Deep Dive
- 5:38:57 Response Model
- 5:50:08 Creating Users Table
- 5:54:50 User Registration Path Operation
- 6:03:27 Hashing Passwords
- 6:08:49 Refractor Hashing Logic
- 6:10:32 Get User by ID
- 6:17:13 FastAPI Routers
- 6:27:34 Router Prefix
- 6:30:31 Router Tags
- 6:32:49 JWT Token Basics
- 6:47:03 Login Process
- 7:00:44 Creating Token
- 7:09:58 OAuth2 PasswordRequestForm
- 7:13:23 Verify user is Logged In
- 7:25:21 Fixing Bugs
- 7:27:59 Protecting Routes
- 7:36:17 Test Expired Token
- 7:38:13 Fetching User in Protected Routes
- 7:42:44 Postman advanced Features
- 7:50:33 SQL Relationship Basics
- 7:54:59 Postgres Foreign Keys
- 8:07:20 SQLAlchemy Foreign Keys
- 8:13:40 Update Schema to include User
- 8:17:59 Assigning Owner id when creating new
- 8:21:01 Delete and Update only your own
- 8:27:48 Only Retrieving Logged in User’s
- 8:33:37 Sqlalchemy Relationships
- 8:38:32 Query Parameters
- 8:50:46 Cleanup our main.py file
- 8:53:53 Env Variables
- 9:21:20 Vote/Like Theory
- 9:26:36 Votes Table
- 9:31:33 Votes Sqlalchemy
- 9:34:11 Votes Route
- 9:52:31 SQL Joins
- 10:15:26 Joins in SqlAlchemy
- 10:28:21 Get One with Joins
- 10:30:18 What is a database migration tool
- 10:33:45 Alembic Setup
- 11:13:50 Disable SqlAlchemy create Engine
- 11:14:28 What is CORS?
- 11:23:38 Git PreReqs
- 11:27:40 Git Install
- 11:29:23 Github
- 11:34:39 Heroku intro
- 11:35:40 Create Heroku App
- 11:40:21 Heroku procfile
- 11:44:59 Adding a Postgres database
- 11:48:42 Env Variables in Heroku
- 11:58:59 Alembic migrations on Heroku Postgres instance
- 12:02:52 Pushing changed to production
- 12:05:04 Create an Ubuntu VM
- 12:08:04 Update packages
- 12:10:47 Install Python
- 12:12:21 Install Postgres & setup password
- 12:17:28 Postgres Config
- 12:24:50 Create new user and setup python evironment
- 12:34:06 Env Variables
- 12:42:24 Alembic migrations on production database
- 12:45:57 Gunicorn
- 12:54:12 Creating a Systemd service
- 13:04:45 NGINX
- 13:10:45 Setting up Domain name
- 13:15:19 SSL/HTTPS
- 13:19:31 NGINX enable
- 13:20:06 Firewall
- 13:23:47 Pushing code changes to Production
- 13:26:09 Dockerfile
- 13:38:39 Docker Compose
- 13:48:34 Postgres Container
- 13:56:22 Bind Mounts
- 14:03:39 Dockerhub
- 14:08:08 Production vs Development
- 14:14:51 Testing Intro
- 14:17:19 Writing your first test
- 14:30:22 The -s & -v flags
- 14:31:44 Testing more functions
- 14:35:29 Parametrize
- 14:40:21 Testing Classes
- 14:48:37 Fixtures
- 14:55:40 Combining Fixtures + Parametrize
- 14:59:13 Testing Exceptions
- 15:06:07 FastAPI TestClient
- 15:14:26 Pytest flags
- 15:17:31 Test create user
- 15:25:23 Setup testing database
- 15:36:47 Create & destroy database after each test
- 15:44:18 More Fixtures to handle database interaction
- 15:50:35 Trailing slashes in path
- 15:53:12 Fixture scope
- 16:07:50 Test user fixture
- 16:14:40 Test/validate token
- 16:18:59 Conftest.py
- 16:22:09 Testing
- 17:34:15 CI/CD intro
- 17:43:29 Github Actions
- 17:49:32 Creating Jobs
- 17:57:38 setup python/dependencies/pytest
- 18:06:14 Env variables
- 18:11:19 Github Secrets
- 18:18:14 Testing database
- 18:23:42 Building Docker images
- 18:34:33 Deploy to heroku
- 18:49:10 Failing tests in pipeline
- 18:52:18 Deploy to Ubuntu
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[#Script #Coding] Learn JavaScript by Building 7 Games – Full Course
Learn JavaScript by Building 7 Games – Full Course
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Feb 28, 2022
Learn JavaScript by building 7 retro games.
Ania Kubów created this course. Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/aniakubow
GitHub Links:
- Rock Paper Scissors: https://github.com/kubowania/rock-paper-scissors-x3
- Memory Game: https://github.com/kubowania/memory-game
- Whac-a-mole: https://github.com/kubowania/whac-a-mole
- Breakout: https://github.com/kubowania/breakout
- Frogger: https://github.com/kubowania/Frogger
- Connect Four: https://github.com/kubowania/connect-…
- Space Invaders: https://github.com/kubowania/space-in…