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(No not “hiatus”. The old crew knows what “hiatus” means. This is a good thing we’re talking about here.)

As of 5:01PM EST… I have officially gone on vacation.

Unless you count occasional bouts of unemployment, and the times I’ve been locked up and/or institutionalized… this is my first REAL vacation FROM work since 1988.

I love you all, but the web is the LAST place I want to spend my time.

If you lived in a resort community with two pools, a golf course, recreational staff and a nightly Hawaiian show… well, you would feel the same way too.

I’ll probably be hanging around behind the scenes tweaking things, and catching up on other projects. The kiddies are already waaaay ahead of me in the sunburn department, and I feel I need to catch up with them.

Maybe I’ll watch some TV too…
Watching Fox News is like watching an electronic adolescent that has appointed itself the strident, belligerent defender of the Bush administration and its foreign policy.
…who knows I may come back as one of those moronic warblogging nitwits? (Banner shamelessly swiped FROM Beastie.)

There’s plenty of coke in the fridge, and some great sites to surf on my links page.

And go give Chey and Todd-n-Robyn some love, k?

I’m outta here…

So long, suckers,

// Updated 10:48 PM: Comical Ali is back. Unconfirmed rumors say he’ll be replacing Letterman this summer. (via Fancy Robot)

Ding Dong, the bigot’s dead!* Strom Thurmond dead at 100. (via me and AP)

I’m off to watch Stripperella. Don’t let me catch none of you wimmen watching the network-not-allowed-to-be-called-SpikeTV, the ONLY network for men™!!!

(You know, it’s only a cartoon version of her movie Barb Wire… what, were they afraid of getting sued by Jane Fonda for naming it “Barbarella” next?)

* // UPDATE 6/28: Probably the smartest thing I’ve read all weekend:

He was a stupid old man. Let him be. And if you do rejoice, don’t complain about people thanking Jesus for Paul Wellstone’s aircraft maintenance.
Reverend Mykeru

Considering we met as we were both appalled at the fiendish glee that some people shared over a girl being ripped in half by a bulldozer, this is some very sage advice. I think it’s time I started thinking before pressing “submit” on a kneejerk reaction.

(Of course the tickets for my OWN funeral are still selling like hotcakes among all my hataz. Hey, what are ya gonna do?)

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25 thoughts on “Vacation

  1. Thanks everybody!

    Ok, I have to ask – “a nightly Hawaiian show?”
    Johnny Kai does a whole SHOW outdoors by the lake here. Has two girls here FROM the Hawaiian Music foundation… it rocks!

    I’ll take pictures, and post about it this summer.

    Enjoy, Dr. D.!!! :0)

  2. Hey BD – you can’t call it Spike TV – because poor Spike Lee apparently has a patent on the name Spike. *snort* Does that mean Spike FROM Buffy TVS will have to change his name too?

    Have I mentioned how much I despise Spike Lee? He’s the AA equivalent of Archie Bunker, but at least Archie was funny. And it’s not even the fact that he’s a racist. He’s a prick, too.

    Hope you enjoyed Stripperella, my dear. I didn’t catch it myself, as I was too busy picking the lint out of my navel. I have my priorities! *g*

    Enjoy your va-ca! And get some sun, will ya? I’ve seen embalmed bodies with more color!

  3. Enjoy your va-ca! And get some sun, will ya? I’ve seen embalmed bodies with more color!
    I know… I’m what Scottish comedian Billy Connolly refers to as “Not quite white, more like ‘pale blue’…” I will be purple tomorrow and in a lot of pain (*sigh* what I do for my kids, I tell ya!)

    “Have I mentioned how much I despise Spike Lee?”
    I think Spike Lee is a fucking jerkoff. He’s one of those people that believes black people can’t be bigots, and he hides behind his pseudo-intelligence with college lectures, when quite frankly his movies are on the same “artistic” level as Ed Wood. Of course, no one except you, me, and Howard Stern are willing to say that out loud.

    Yes Gina… you can watch that channel. After all, I am merely a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, myself. ;0)

  4. I am merely a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, myself. ;0)
    *groan* oh no, tell me you did NOT say that…
    I just find it kinda comical that this “men’s network” (whatever they’re calling it!) mostly shows animated programing *g*
    I’ve always thought men were nothing more than big kids 🙂

  5. No, really, there’s a Hawaiian show?
    In reality and not photoshop?
    *not able to take this in, brain starting to smoke*

  6. Really, really!
    Well, actually I just found out the Hawaiian shows won’t be until after July, but I’ll have plenty of pictures…

  7. Have fun enjoying yourself and family. Life away FROM computers, news, I hope equals a stress-free time for you.
    Sun block, sun block, sun block! (I saw a DANGER! OZONE WARNING for the east coast, so beeee careful.)
    I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a vacation right now than you—have a ball!

  8. Have a great vacation. Be sure to write everything down so that you can come back and torture the rest of us bloggers who have to slave away at work! As for me, I’ll be proceeding on vacation next weekend for SIX WEEKS! :)) How do the rest of you like THAT! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHHH

  9. Obviously I am the only one who says you’re not allowed to go on vacation. I’ve only just started reading you!! *WAIL*

    Okay. I’ll let you off this time. Begrudgingly.

  10. Yes Gina… you can watch that channel. After all, I am merely a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, myself. ;0)

    *laugh* too right…;)

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