- Speaking Turtle – I love Native American sites. Abenaki wisdom rocks, bro!
- The Breast Chronicles – Finally, some eye candy for us horny heteros! Thanks Baylink, you did it again!
- Little Bobcats – A community baseball team for 4-6 year olds In Brooklyn. Could really use your help raising funds for equipment.
- OneSwellFoop.com – Your obedient Serpent…. Oxymorons for 2000, go over the edge… LMAO when I saw the pic of Lucy from the vitameatavegamin episode. Wendell needs to lay off that weblog and make more funny-ass stuff on that page…I had a blast!
- Mötley Crüe offers their new single “Hell On High Heels” as a free MP3 download…promoting their upcoming album “New Tattoo”, hitting stores, July 11th.
- Deadwood kicks ass too! Check out their music on MP3.Com (my fave: “Martyr“)