Yeesh… my attempts to be boring and neglect everyone isn’t working.
Must try to bore you harder. (Take that any way you want.)
Well, since I’m still deep INTO a bunch of projects (one is a superhero cartoon short I hope you’ll like.) In the meantime, let me direct you to some more entertaining places in CyberTown….
Have you guys met Jet and her husband Speedbump?
They’re friends of The Mighty “T”… so that makes them friends of mine (If I know what’s good for me!) :0)
They’re a fun bunch. Jet just wrote her account on the private little war us parents face in America.
Speedbump is hilarious… his antics remind me a lot of my own, and we should run a contest to see who spends more time on the couch after pissing the Mrs. off. Some of the stuff Jet writes about him reminds me of what Carole would write about me if she were blogging…
Of course if Carole had legs like Jet…
I wouldn’t be … uhm, … uh…
I forgot what I was going to say. Go pay them a visit.
aw you could never be boring well unless you start talking about golf then i’m so out of here 🙂
I am so paranoid after reading these accounts of the children’s protective system or whatever gone wrong. It does make me sick that children are taken away for no reason, while others are suffering in foster care. They definitely need tougher laws for these agencies, and the people filing complaints/reports or whatever.
mighty T?
Oh lord I feel a blog name change coming on..LMAO
but seriously…they really are a great couple…thanks for the link up guy *s*
Well thank you for bringing them to the web, o’ Mighty T. :0)
Yeah come on e, boring, you know you keep my ass in stitches.
You? Boring? Puh-leeze.
Besides! You recommend good movies. Lilo and Stitch stopped playing on my DVD player about 15 minutes ago and I’m still sniffing.
Miss you!!! You do not bore me, you sustain me!! *lol* Seriously, as long as you’re happy, and you check in, I’m cool with it. 🙂
Just for you ~e~, doing the can can for you *wink*!!! Thanks for the link up and the kind words.
i want -e-
i want -e-
i want -e-
i want -e-
you’re in demand…what you up to?
I had no idea you had a thing for legs….
I have to agree, you are never boring. *besos*
I had no idea you had a thing for legs….
Ohhhhhhhhh yeah…….. *GLEE*