I’m not gonna lie to you. I cried like a baby at my desk.
My boss gave me a little time to go outside, have a cigarette, compose myself.
I’m actually remembering this as I just saw Miz Kitty’s Post, and Dan’s thoughts on the matter.
I never understood the anger afterward though. People, no one ever heard of before in KayCee’s circle of friends, showed up all over MetaFilter like rabid pitbulls, forming a mob. I have to question how much were they emotionally invested in this privately that they were suddenly so bitter and vicious (I mean to the point of obsession!) over it all.
Yes, the people closest to “KayCee” were shocked, hurt… and basically knocked for a loop as they just realized that they were living a lie.
But they didn’t stop caring after that.
A lot of you were there, so I won’t even attempt to re-write history. I defended her at MetaFilter, when I should have shut up and waited for the facts to come in. Ran my own private investigation, got called a “sicko”, watched my words get twisted by the same idiots that told you to “trust no one”, yet you questioned them… and they got loud and defensive.
*deep cleansing breath* Let’s not go there… that was then, this is now.
KayCee may not have been real, but what we all felt was. The turmoil we felt was “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”. Kind of screwed people up to think that they had such emotions invested in someone that never existed.
Was that really such a bad thing? To reach out and care for a total stranger??? Even if it means the risk of getting burnt?
Dan quotes a song based loosely on 1 Corinthians 13:1, which basically means that without love… it all means nothing..
On the web, it’s all pretty one sided. This weblog is no exception. You only can know what the author *wants* you to know. There may be another side to the story… it may be exaggerated… it may be pure unadulterated bullshit.
If it’s too great of a risk, then there are “Kaycee Nicoles” all around you in real life. It may not be leukemia…. they may be hungry, they may be homeless, they just may need someone to listen.
Are you gonna stop caring? Are you going to close your heart for good?
I can’t. It’s just not in my nature.
“I’d like to think if one of us needed something, we’d react the same way again.“
Awwww… you bet your bippy, Dan!
(Except maybe next time I’ll shut the f**k up on MetaFilter…) ;0)
Thanks guys. I really needed to see this.